Jupiter Waterfront Properties for sale

Filed in What's New? by on October 4, 2014

Jupiter Waterfront homes & condos

buy a hutchinson island oceanfront condo

The Jupiter real estate market continues to emerge stronger than ever as we see homes selling in just a few days in many cases and at really strong prices. The strongest market seems to be waterfront homes where you are looking at 1.2 million for the least expensive home with a canal behind it. Step up to the Loxahatchee River homes and we are looking at a million plus for  a lot and staring prices at just under 2 million. This market has come back stronger than ever and limited inventory choices continue to push the prices higher. The old saying they aren’t making any more waterfront holds true today. See Jupiter waterfront homes for sale by visiting our websites.

Jupiter Oceanfront Condos

The beachfront condo market has also seen a spike in asking and selling prices. Not quite as strong as the waterfront home market but much stronger than non waterfront properties. Some of the older condo buildings are not selling as well but the new buyer needs are towards newer and larger condos. No longer are today’s buyers looking for 2 bedroom 1,300 sq. ft condo but want 2,000 sq. ft and larger. More and more buyers are younger and are using them more than just a winter home. The direct oceanfront condos are seldom on the market and when they do come up for sale they are selling quickly at ever appreciating prices. With so few newer buildings demand is strong.

Todays Waterfront Buyers

Buyers today are younger, more affluent and demand higher quality and standards than buyers of 20 years ago. More of the buyers are second and third homes where back in the day many condo buyers were looking for an inexpensive retirement home. Today condo fees are higher than many people paid for their mortgage, taxes and fee’s just 15 years ago. With increasing population and soon to be retiree’s the demand for waterfront properties continues to increase. Look at the population growth in Florida over the last 20 years. We are all fighting for that limited coastline.

Jupiter Real Estate Information

Call us to help you find that perfect neighborhood. Picking the perfect neighborhood requires knowledge of the local areas and market trends. You don’t want to be in the wrong neighborhood and have buyers remorse. We can help you find the perfect home no matter if you are looking for new homes such as Abacoa here in Jupiter or a waterfront home. We service and sell from Boca Raton to Hutchinson Island. Let the experts find you the perfect home.

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